Monday 4 June 2007

#2 - Rocky

I have always been a fan of the Rocky movies. I mentioned in an earlier blog entry on Rocky Balboa that I really enjoy these movies. As I have gotten older they become more and more meaningful to me. Rocky does this for me. It must be the underdog story. How Rocky fights against all odds to get a shot at the title.

The inspiration I get from this wonderful story of a down on his luck nobody who finds love and success is a great story. Sylvester Stallone put together an unbelievable script that was definitely Oscar worthy and one that even today still inspires.

The entire series is great. Even my youngest son loves these movies. I love watching him stand in front of the TV and fight Ivan Drago from Rocky 4, which is his favourite one of the six. Its awesome and it still makes me smile. Even better is when he gets down on the floor to do his version of the Rocky push ups or his "Yo Adrian, I did it!!!". But I would have to say the best is when the first time we watched Rocky 2 together and he was jumping up and down on the couch yelling at Rocky to get up when both he and Apollo had gone down. He cheered like crazy when Rocky won that fight. Awesome!!

There is a reoccurring theme throughout my top ten list. And this is that most of these movies are my favourites because my family loves them too. We are a movie family and it makes the movies that much more enjoyable when we all sit together and love the movies we are watching. Each of these movies has a special place in my heart and for the most part, in my family's as well. This just makes it that much better for me.

Again, I love this movie and if my #1 wasn't so important to me then Rocky would have been my #1. Without a doubt. No questions asked, but it is hard to compare my #1 to any movie that is on this list. It is that special to me.

So come back and check out what my #1 is. I have a feeling that it may be a long post because I have been waiting a long time to share my feelings on this particular movie.

Take care everyone, go check out Rocky if you haven't seen it yet.

Enjoy the movies everyone!!!