Wednesday 7 March 2007

American Idol

Ok...I know this is a movie review site, but I just needed to make a comment about AI. Is it just me or is this show getting rather fucking boring. Maybe it is just because it hasn't hit the "Big" stage, but I find that I could really care less about these people and this show. The problem is i still tune in every week to watch the damn thing.

The only thing interesting about this season is that Antonella Barba and her half naked pics on the web. Very nice by the way, but she is a terrible singer. Simon is annoying, Paula is stoned and Randy can't say much more then pitchy and dawg. Boring.

Anyway..just wanted to say that. Look for my review of the Borat DVD coming soon. Haven't see the movie yet, but am very much looking forward to it.

Take care everyone!!!