Monday 29 January 2007

Little Miss Sunshine

Hello everyone! I just wanted to mention a few things about this movie, which I watched the other night. This was one hell of a movie. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, but when I turned my DVD player off, I realized how much i thoroughly enjoyed this movie. My wife said I would laugh out loud while I watched it, as she had already seen it. The truth is, I did. I found the family dynamics funny yet at times heart wrenching. This family, as dysfunctional as it was, was able to show true love and loyalty to each other. Whether it was Olive, the beauty pageant wannabe, the suicidal uncle or the son who desires a life as a plot, you feel for all of them like they were your own family members.
We all have the crazy family members like these. For me, its the highly energetic, ADHD sister inlaw who at times, more often then not, puts her foot in her mouth. The thing is, we still love her no matter the circumstances. She is a wonderful wife, mother and friend who would do absolutley anything for you, even though you sometimes want to wring her neck. We have never had to go on an adventure like this family did, but she still makes life extremely interesting for the rest of us.
The actors in this movie are excellent from top to bottom. Greg Kinnear, Steve Carrell, Toni Collette, Alan Arkin and Paul Dano do a wonderful job of expressing what a family with issues have to deal with on a daily basis. The scene stealer in the movie though is little Olive, played by Abigail Breslin. She exudes innocence, yet maturity, strength and vunlnerability theat not many young actresses out there today can portray. I was amazed at her ability to show in her character the I don't give a damn attitude that she showed. I would be absolutely surprised if she did not go on to bigger and better things in her acting career.
This movie was very enjoyable to watch and one that I will be able to watch over and over again.
Anyway, I hope you all had a good read and a good day. Hope to write soon.

Take care