Big Brother 10: Eviction Night - Jessie just rubbed me the wrong way from the very first moment I saw him. Respect, respect, respect. Thats what he preached, but did he give any to recieve any? I don't think so. He is just a dick.
So they show what has been going on. Gerry seems to be burning some bridges that I don't think he can afford to burn. First Memphis, now Michelle and Jessie. Oh well, I guess we will see how this plays out.
The house guests are talking about booting Jessie, so this kind of leads me to believe that he will be safe. You know how it goes.
Well it is time to vote. Everyone starts voting and they are leaning towards to Angie. Yup, it is a vote of 8-0, Angie has been evicted from the house.
OOOO..first we will find out who will be America's Player..and it is...DAN!!!!! Does he take it???? Yes he does!!!! Cool, its only for one week though.
Now it is HOH time. Keesha can't compete because of being the past HOH. Here we go. Livin' on the Edge. The are standing on the edge of a "building" and the last one standing wins. Looks like an ednurance test..oooothey are tipping the building they are shaking it...
Dan's first assignment is to get the first houseguest nominated.
Well, I don't subscribe to the BB online thing, so like most of you, I will have to wait until Sunday to find out who won HOH.
Take care everyone!!!
The Flick Guru
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