Sunday 2 March 2008

Big Brother 9 - March 2 Nomination Results

So, it it just me or is Joshuah totally off his fricken rocker? When he flips, he flips. It is almost psycho, and a bit dangerous. When he flipped out on Amanda it almost looked like he was going to smack her. Same as this time when he freaked out on Allison. I thought he was going to nail her!! I agree that her and Sheila shouldn't have lied about being lesbians, but didn't Sheila lie too? why is he only blaming Allison.

Anway, it was nomination night. And to no one's surprise, Joshuah and Sharon nominated Allison and Ryan. The other team they nominated was Matt and Natalie. No real surprises here, should be interesting on POV night.

The Flick Guru