Wednesday 27 February 2008

Big Brother 9 'Til Death Do You Part - February 27 Results

Big Brother 9 'Til Death Do You Part: Results - It wasn't a very surprising vote tonight. It was between Matt and Natalie against Amanda and Alex. I was really hoping it was going to be Amanda and Alex. I felt bad for her when she collapsed last night, but she still annoyed me.

Anyways, it came down to vote time and by a score of 3-0, Amanda and Alex were evicted from the Big Brother house. I think it was a good decision.

Then came the HOH competition. The teams had to remember who wrote the love quotes that were on the walls in the house. The girls were to go first and which ever girl won would go up against the guy that won on that side. Well Sharon won for the girls side, so she had to wait to see which guy won and as it turned out, her partner Joshuah won. So Sharon and Joshuah are HOH for this week.

Should be interesting to see who they put up on Sunday. Check back then to find out.

The Flick Guru