Thursday, 29 November 2007

Survivor China - November 29 Results

Survivor China: Results - WHY DIDN'T HE JUST PLAY THE DAMN THING!!!!!!!! James got played tonight. Blindsided..screwed over...cheated out of a victory. But it was his own damn fault!!! He should have just played the damn hidden immunity idol!!!!!!!! So, for those of you who haven't figured it out, James got voted out tonight. He was my guy...damnit!!!

Come back next Thursday to see what happens next on Survivor China...8:00 et/7:00 ct on CBS.

The Flick Guru

1 Comment:

leftdog said...

I, too, was sad to see James go. He was a good player and didn't put up with nonsense. I think I move my support now to Eric. Courtney and Todd HAVE to go!