Tuesday 26 June 2007

My Honourable Mention List

OK, say I may have made a mistake. After thinking about my top ten list and my honourable mention list, i would have to say that I should have a movie in the top ten that was more deserving. I had a brief discussion with my friend Matt about this movie and so I really got thinking about it. And ya, it deserves to be Top Ten. Probably should have been top 5. It really is a great movie, with stunning visuals and great acting. It is a story that makes you curious what is out there, what supernatural phenomenas we have not seen. That's not all it is. Its just a plain old kick ass movie from start to finish, with a star that knows this genre perfectly. This movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark.

If I were to redo my list I think I would put this as #4 and remove good ol' Uncle Buck. (Sorry Matt, Notting Hill stays!!) It really is a fantastic movie and honestly, you can't go wrong with anything with Harrison Ford in it.

So there we go, I am admitting to a mistake.

Now some other movies I considered for my list. I am not going to give a big blurb on each though. Just a comment. Here you go:

Star Wars Episodes 1, 2, 3 and 6 : As individual movies these four don't quite compare to A New Hope and Empire, but they are still great movies.

Usual Suspects : again my friend Matt introduced me to this movie. Really enjoyed it. Great twists and turns. Kevin Spacey was awesome.

Lord of the Rings : Two Towers and Return of the King : Great movies and I still think the battle at Helms Deep in Two Towers was unbelievable. Sean Astin was great as Sam as well.

Wedding Crashers : this is a hilarious fucking movie. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are geniuses in their own way.

Monsters Inc. and Ice Age : these two animated movies are excellent movies. They both stir up emotions of all kinds, especially Monsters Inc..

Jaws : great movie, great shark.

The Exorcist : in my opinion, the scariest fucking movie ever. Creeps me out and gives me nightmares. Needless to say I don't watch it very often, but when I do I jump and squeal like a little girl every time.

So this is my honourable mention list. I am not sure if I forgot any, but all of these movies almost made it in. Take care and I will be doing an entry on those movie that are terrible, but for some reason I love them.

Take care everyone and enjoy the movies!!!