Thursday 28 June 2007

Box Office Predictions - June 29

So I decided to add something new on my blog and as the title says, I'm going to attempt to predict what the movies are going to make over the weekend. I'll take the 'big' movies (new release and older) that are for the upcoming weekend and make an attempt at guessing how each movie will do. We'll see how it goes. Feel free to add your predictions if you want. So here we go....

Weekend of June 29th
      1. Ratatouille - $56,000,000
      2. Live Free or Die Hard - $32,000,000
      3. Evan Almighty - $19,000,000
      4. 1408 - $13,000,000
      5. Fantastic Four :ROTSS - $12,000,000
      6. Sicko - $11,000,000
      7. Knocked Up - $7,200,000
      8. Oceans Thirteen - $6,700,000
      9. Pirates of the Car. : AWE - $4,000,000
      10. Shrek the Third - $3,700,000
So there is my predictions for this weekend. Check back Sunday to see how I did. Oh and sorry for the formatting. I will work on this for next time!!

Take care and enjoy the movies!!!