Friday 13 April 2007

New Movie Releases - Friday April 13

Time to pass on a few new movie releases for today.

Disturbia - Starring Shia LaBeouf, David Morse and Carrie-Anne Moss. A suspense thriller about a possible serial killer living next door. This could be good and with LaBeouf's new role as a summer blockbuster star (Transformers, Indy 4), this could do pretty well this weekend.

Perfect Strangers - Starring Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. Another suspense thriller that I hadn't really heard anything about until a couple of weeks ago. Check it out.

Pathfinder - Karl Urban (Lord of the Rings) stars in this one about Vikings and such. First trailer I saw of this one was about 3 days ago. May be a stinker.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Cartoon entry this week. A somewhat amusing cartoon. Don't think I will see this one.

There are few unmentionables. If you don't want to see these ones, check out Blades of Glory if you haven't seen it yet. Very funny....stupid funny.

Take care and enjoy the movies!!!!